Skills for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Building a Fairer Labor Market


On September 13th, 2023, the “Skills for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion” seminar brought together experts, academics, and other professionals in the field of business management and education. The event aimed to shed light on the pressing need for a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive labor market. This article provides insights into the discussions and findings […]

Male and Female Labour Force Participation 2022


In six years, from April 2016 to April 2022, Ireland’s population has seen steady growth, surging by 8% to reach 5,149,139 people, with an average age of 38.8. Notably, there are 60,041 more females than males in the State. However, despite this population expansion and gender disparity, the progress in increasing female labour force participation […]

European perspective on EDI and the example of Pay Transparency Directive

One of the highlights of the current term of the European Parliament has been Ursula von der Leyen’s Commission’s activity on equality, diversity and inclusion. During the last 4,5 years, Commission has launched numerous legislative proposals regarding equality, rule of law and promotion of human rights. This Commission has also unblocked legislation on the area, […]

Lower wages and employment for women in Greek businesses


The Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) conducted between March-April 2023, a survey of businesses and the general public in order to capture the current situation and identify any necessary legislative interventions or other business empowerment initiatives. This survey was organized into 3 sections: • The position of women in business • Promoting gender equality • […]

Gender inequalities in professional sports


Gender inequalities in professional sports have been a persistent and long-standing issue. For decades female soccer players have been subjected to inferior treatment compared to their male counterparts, including significantly lower pay and limited public interest and support. Not only are there many notable disparities between the male and female players but also in high-level […]

Breaking Barriers: The Challenges of Inclusion for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Germany


Inclusion and diversity are vital components of a thriving and equitable workforce. However, for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Germany, the path to creating an inclusive workplace for individuals with disabilities can be particularly challenging. In a recent video interview with Ursula Schäfers from Melchers &Partner the hurdles faced by SMEs in fostering inclusivity […]

Women and work

Women in Ireland are estimated to undertake 38.2 hours of care work per week, placing women in Ireland amongst the three countries with the highest levels of unpaid work along with Romania and Malta. Similarly, men in Ireland also have relatively high rates of unpaid work, with an average of 19.8 hours per week. They […]

Ireland 2023: Gender imbalance in the workplace

Author: Tamara Markey Affiliation: Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Chamber of Commerce A report conducted by an Independent Review Group (IRG-DF, 2023) on dignity and quality issues within the Irish Defence Forces, reveals significant concerns regarding the organisational culture and treatment of personnel in particular female members. The analysis reveals a workplace where self-worth and value are […]