Design, development and description of the EDIFY EDU MOOC platform and course

The DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University (HOU), the EDIFY-EDU Greek academic partner, has designed and developed the online educational platform that offers the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The EDIFY EDU MOOC platform is built on Moodle, an open-source learning management system (LMS) that offers educators, administrators, and learners a powerful and adaptable […]
The EDIFY-EDU Course Curriculum

During the first year of the EDIFY-EDU project, partners have carried out intensive and multidimensional research on training needs with the main aim of creating new knowledge and understanding of the current situation and practices in EDI business management education across different European partner countries. Following the methodology and the tables designed and developed by […]
Greece is making efforts to combat the phenomenon of the ”Glass Ceiling”

The role of women in today’s society is multifaceted and demanding, and there is general acceptance that significant progress has been made in recent decades regarding the position of women in Greek society. The last few decades have brought major changes in society and the workplace. For example, women’s participation in the workforce and the […]
Another approach on Women Empowerment – Insights into a European-funded project on engagement, leadership and work-life-balance

On 20 June 2024, World Refugee Day, Pro Arbeit participated in the final conference of the European-funded WORLDPLACES project in Brussels and was able to take away new impetus for the topic of EDI from this innovative project for women. The WORLDPLACES project involves partners from Italy, Portugal, Greece, Belgium, Austria and Germany as well […]
Interview with attorney Ms Sofia Papadimitriou (Dr. jur. München) in the topic of “Principles of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Workplace in Greece”

In the context of the implementation of the European project EDIFY_EDU, which is carried out under the ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO-EDU-ENTERP program (European Education and Culture Executive Agency), and our effort to communicate with individuals in Greece who are knowledgeable about the principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace, we had the opportunity to speak with […]
Share of women in the EU population in 2022

In 2022, women accounted for 51% of the population of the European Union, or around 228 million people. This statistic, provided by Eurostat, highlights the gender distribution within the EU population, revealing a slight majority of women. The gender breakdown in the EU is relatively balanced, with women making up 51% and men 49% of […]
”Educating for Gender Equality in the Workplace” Conference

We would like to invite you to the ”Educating for Gender Equality in the Workplace” conference, as part of a collaboration between Springboard programmes in the Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art Design and Technology (IADT); EDIFY EDU – a European project focused on enhancing management education skills, particularly in equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI); and the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Chamber of Commerce. The […]
Inclusive Futures: Policy Roundtable on Gender Inclusion in STEM and Care Careers

On June 11th, 10:00 AM – 01:00 PM CET is scheduled the Online event”Inclusive Futures: Policy Roundtable on Gender Inclusion in STEM and Care Careers”. In the framework of its annual program ViP-NeXT, EVTA organizes a policy roundtable focused on enhancing gender inclusion in STEM and Care Careers through VET. This event aims to pool insights […]
Designing a DEI/EDI training program with key stakeholders

TIEKE and Aalto University/CKIR are working in a European project developing training on EDI themes to management students and managers. We think that the localised part of this training would serve the Finnish working life best, if we would develop it with the key stakeholders. Developing management skills on DEI/EDI themes to Finnish working life […]
Is leading EDI about serving others, self-improvement or negotiating the organizational and societal space? A study in Finland taking a discursive lens illustrates this.

A study among managers in Finland examined the management discourse around EDI. A discursive lens taken in this study means paying careful attention to the language and communication used by individuals and groups in an organization or community, and the underlying assumptions and meaning behind that communication. The study identified three different types of discourses. […]