EDIFY EDU working on WP2


In the past month the three partners from Italy, who are working together on the EDIFY EDU project, could finish their research. EGInA (European Grants International Academy), API SERVIZI and TAG (Talent Garden) were mapping the most relevant training provisions in the field of Business Management Education in Europe and exposed gaps in relation to workplace equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) resulting from national partner labour market profiles when compared with their EDI labour market policies. Last week all partners from Italy organised an online meeting to discuss the status quo and identified gaps within the Italian labour market. The next step will be the organisation of four focus groups. To talk about real cases concerning inclusion and diversity at workplaces one group will consist of 5-6 labour market actors and representatives. Another group will be dedicated to students of higher education institutions and two coaching circles will be with participants of both groups. The aim of this activity is to involve a heterogeneous group of people to create a generative dialogue around a real case of inclusion/exclusion at the workplace to get deeper insights into the research topic.

Who are the Italian partners?

EGInA is an agency based in Foligno accredited by the Umbria Region for vocational training and certification of competences and is focused on local, national, and European initiatives design and implementation, relying on the cooperation of numerous experts in the fields of education, social innovation, cultural heritage and digital transformation.

The vocational training agency API SERVIZI, which is based in Terni, works to sustain the enterprises competitiveness through the vocational training and job creation instruments, in accordance with the real needs of the enterprises and the features of the different target groups.

Talent Garden, based in Milano, is a network of students, corporate partners (startups, freelancer etc.) and children trained in coding and robotics and is dedicated to digital and technology professionals.