Specialization courses
From September 2024, on the project platform (open from December 2023) are available the Specialisation Courses, at least 25 learners – enrolled in a Higher Education Institution, in the Business and Management sector – are selected from the 5 piloting countries, for a total number of at least 125 students involved. The course has a maximum duration of 8 weeks. The main objectives are:
- Offer to the learners a unique and qualified learning curriculum (EQF 6) with skills and competences to be used in the Work Based Learning phase and then in their future career paths;
- Ensure that the curricula are in line with the identified training needs, taking into consideration the differences of each specific country’s needs and social contexts, as well as the expected impact;
- Offer a Specialisation Intensive Winter School for 25 students at the end of the training which is held by Female Factor together with Talent Garden and is focused on female start-ups and innovative design thinking;
- Set the framework of the curricula and learning outcomes within EQF and ECVET requirements;
- Ensure that quality control and assessment mechanisms are in place to properly monitor progress, make adjustments, and collect useful input for the pilots’.