Equality, Diversity, Inclusion For improving
the qualitY of Management EDUcation


Are you a current or future manager interested in improving your skills on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion?

The partners of EDIFY EDU project have designed engaging and high-level training courses that will enable participants to pursue entrepreneurial initiatives based on EDI competencies!

MOOCs, webinars with experts, online and face-to-face workshops, national and international opprtunities for work-based learning… click on the right to discover which training action fits better with your needs and interests!



The project addresses the skills gap in the sector of Management education with regards to competencies on equality, diversity, and inclusion (from now on EDI), which are more and more needed in a complex and fluid society. The project facilitates the acquisition of EDI competencies and transversal skills for management students and managers in business (in particular targeting medium-sized companies), in order to respond to the societal transformation by setting up a system for skill assessment, learning offer and validation and recognition.